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Why Allison?

Allison brings over 25 years of riding and equine experience to Aterak. She began riding at age 6, and by age 10 had her first privately owned stables and 6 pastures that she was solely responsible for. 

Allison began studing dressage at age 10, and progressed to training with JJ Tate, Richard Williams, Charles de Kunffy. Through hard work and dedication, Allison qualified and showed at Regionals. Her training experience includes: dressage, endurance, caveletti, trail, jumping (arena and cross country), long lining, cart pulling, liberty.

Allison has worked in top barns such as Stein stables at Northfield Racetrack, and managed a training barn for 8 years with 2-3 working students and average of 12-15 horses. 

Over her 25+ years, she has worked with thousands of horses and dozens of vets in multiple states.  The vets have specialized in podiatry to immunology, including sports medicine using nutrition to benefit every aspect of horse well being, taking into consideration the whole horse (fascia work, cross training/jumping/flatwork, balanced hoof care (barefoot and shod), optimal nutrition, correctly fitting equipment, exposure training to reduce stress and build confidence.

Message from the Founder

"When the company from which I purchased grain changed their mixture, having a detrimental effect on my horses, I created my own grain formula. 

I focused on meeting the unique nutritional requirements my horses needed throughout training and competition. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to have met incredible individuals who have supported my forming Aterak Nutrition. Because of their generosity of knowledge, spirit, and resources I can share this grain formula with you today. Aterak Nutrition’s objective is to reliably provide horses with superior consistent nutrition. I hope you and your horses benefit from everything my products offer."


- Allison Lepanto, Aterak Founder

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