Testimonials of our products' results!
Even the most experienced horse owners face difficulties when your equines health takes a turn for the worse. You know your equine better than anyone and notice changes in behavior, changes in body language, that something just isn't "right".
Step One: everyone does is changing what you can control... feed, pasture, supplements.
Step Two: is normally a call to the local vet. Sometimes this leads to more supplements, food changes, antibiotics, etc. Hopefully it also is accompanied by blood work.
But what do you do when the answer is "I don't know"or, "There is nothing we can do"?
See for yourself!
Read on to see how two of our clients found Health through Nutrition...
His Owner....
His Owner....
"I know my horse. He just wasn't right. He was underpowered, unmotivated, fatigued and uninterested."
"I know my horse. He just wasn't right. He was underpowered, unmotivated, fatigued and uninterested."

Initial Bloodwork, December 2021
Initial Bloodwork, December 2021
Client One- Male Gelding Quarter Horse
Blood tests show both red and white blood cell's to be low count, indicating potentially anemia, infection and/or malnutrion. Vet treated for ulcers and antibiotic for unspecified infection. There was no change to the horse during or after treatment. Upon return visit, horse was deemed "fine". However owner did not agree.
Owner contacted Aterak for suggestions to improve the Geldings disposition. He was started on Metobolic Relief on March 6. On March 11 the owner contacted us and stated the following-
"What are the chances he is already responding to the new food? He definitely had more energy today consistantly... schooling in arena, on trail and even in his pasture after. It's only been FIVE DAYS!"

2nd Bloodwork, March 15, 2022
2nd Bloodwork, March 15, 2022
After only 2 weeks feeding Metabolic Relief, Gelding's levels have ALL returned to normal levels. The numbers in red to the left are starting blood work numbers from December test.

Briscoe- Arabian gelding, diagnosed with Cushings
When the blood work indicates Cushings, most owners feel helpless.
Equine Cushing's disease (ECD) is a chronic progressive disease of the intermediate pituitary gland of older horses. Horses with Cushing's disease often have other health problems, such as laminitis, chronic infections, pseudolactation, and other issues. Diagnosis of ECD is usually based on clinical signs and endocrine tests. Medical management of affected horses is usually a long-term or lifelong commitment.
Blood Results October, 2020
Blood Results October, 2020
The most common approach to diagnosing PPID is a blood plasma test for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). “ACTH is a hormone normally made in relatively small amounts by the pituitary gland to control the function of the adrenal glands (located adjacent to the kidneys and involved in the secretion of several important hormones),” Durham explains. “When the pituitary gland is affected by Cushing’s disease, overproduction of ACTH is detectable as higher ACTH concentrations in a blood sample.”
Bloodwork done by Cornell

Briscoe diagnosed with Cushings, baseline 47, October, 2020
Briscoe diagnosed with Cushings, baseline 47, October, 2020
Briscoe's Update
Briscoe started on Metabolic Relief December, 2020.
Within 60 days his bloodwork came back on the low normal side for ACTH.
Briscoe was not receiving expensive, invasive medications. His owner chose to change his feed to give Briscoe the best opportunity of health and happiness.